"Art is my inner strength. A natural catharsis -an expression of what I see, hear and feel”
Dila Khamida (Nur Abdillah Khamida), is a young artist from Indonesia who presents donuts and other food themes in her works. Inspired by her mother who was a donut maker, she based the humble donut as the primary theme in her works. On can draw parallels to the process of making donuts starting from the selection of ingredients, making the dough and finally shaping the ready-to-eat donut to ones life, while the donut toppings with various flavors and colors are a metaphor of how we present ourselves in front of others. Dila experiments with various media in her work, such as dry foam, clay and so on. The colors she presents are bright and attractive, with simple visualizations but with deep meanings behind them. There are many artists who inspire and enrich her, such as Kenneth Noland -an American artist with his color field paintings, Eric Joyner who focused his works around robots and donuts, as well as artists from Indonesia such as Syagini Ratnawulan, Lucia Hartini, Nanang Warsito and so on.