BUY NOW, With Stripe
Hani Santana

Hani Santana

Born in 1976

Art is my life’s purpose, path and destination 

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About the Artist

Hani Santana is a self taught abstract expressionist artist from Indonesia. She believes that painting is the most honest medium of communication that emerges from the deepest parts of her soul. Hani started her career as a musician and pursued being a vocalist for decades. But her life’s calling was visual art and she pursues that now with utmost sincerity. Hani's works are bold expressionist works with thick layers of paint and sharp strokes with a dominant femininity that is brought in by the soft colors that contrast the darker tones in the background. It is as if her works depict women who are brave and persistent in this world that is dominated by men. 

Acrylic, oil on canvas
    • - "Harkat", Kunstkring Gallery, Jakarta
    • - "Epifora", Taman Budaya Yogyakarta
    • - Aveta Painting Exhibition for Charity, Aveta Malioboro Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    • - "Sandiya", Zen1 Gallery, Denpasar, Bali
    • - "Gregah", Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Central Java
    • - ART Jakarta, JCC Senayan Jakarta
    • - "Harkat", Kunstkring Gallery Jakarta
    • - "Harkat", group exhibition with 20 Indonesian Women Artists, Bundaran Hotel Indonesia

    • - "Eksistensi", group exhibition with Blarak Purbalingga

    • - "Terkadang Kita Lupa", 100 + 9 Indonesian Women Artists, Pendhapa Art Space, Yogyakarta
    • - "Resoilnation", Virtual Exhibition, Eclipse Hotel, Yogyakarta
    • - "Titik Berangkat", Taman Budaya Yogayakarta
    • - International Exhibition, Brebes Festival, Rest Area km. 260, B. Banjaratma, Brebes, Central Java
    • - "Iridescent", RJ Katamsi Gallery, Indonesian Art Institute (ISI), Yogyakarta

    • - "Saat Mata Tertambat", Omah Kartika, Padasan Village, Pakem Binangun, Sleman, Yogyakarta
    • - "Pengayun-ayun", Taman Budaya Surakarta, Central Java
    • - "Nature & Life", Merapi Golf, Sleman, Yogyakarta

    • - "Nyekar", NW Art Space Yogyakarta
    • - SPARK, PT Kilang Pertamina International RU IV, Cilacap, Central Java

    • - "Segara", Museum Affandi Yogyakarta

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