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Nanang Sato

Nanang Sato

Born in 1994

“Art goes beyond the expression by words; it explores emotions and enlivens the imagination."

See All Artworks by Nanang Sato

Ranger Primates
120cm x 90cm
2,880 USD
3,850 SGD
1,600 USD
2,139 SGD
145cm x 140cm
About the Artist

Nanang is a talented young artist from Indonesia, who effectively creates realism paintings with surrealistic themes. Animals, especially rare and endangered ones, are the central muse for Nanang's works. Nanang has always had an affinity and flair for wild and domestic animals. He likes to observe their behavior in the wild when he hikes the mountains and forests. In his works, Nanang juxtaposes robotic elements in animal bodies as a figurative meaning to defend their existence and to fight back against poaching and other crimes against them. Nanang is a contemporary artists whose diligence and attention to detail makes his paintings animated and sentient.

Realism, Surrealism
Oil on canvas
    • - UOB Painting of The Year Award, category of “Gold emerging artist, Indonesia”

    • - Five Best Artworks, AKSI ARTSY exhibition, RJ Katamsi Gallery, ISI, Yogyakarta

    • - “Neo-pop- culture” RJ Katamsi Gallery, ISI Yogyakarta
    • - "Kelola Art fest #5"

    • - “In Art” Art Festival jakarta, Jakarta National Museum
    • - “Art For Orangutan #3, “The Good Life For Orangutan” Jogja National Museum
    • - Young Generation Pasren Exhibition, Monumen Juang 45 Gallery, Klaten
    • - Art exhibition, Sunan Pandanaran Meeting Hall, Klaten

    • - ” The Fighting Spirit For New Year 2019” Art Preneur Center, Ciputra Jakarta
    • - Art exhibition and bazaar, On The Spot Painting with BPMI (Bengkel Pelukis Militan Indonesia) “On The Spirit”, Museum Affandi, Yogyakarta.
    • - PASREN art exhibition, “Teduh Dalam Harmoni Warna”, Monumen Juang 45 Gallery, Klaten.
    • - Klaten Ecocraft exhibition, Sunan Pandanaran Meeting Hall, Klaten.
    • - PASREN and Sapu Gerang exhibition, Ashomar Jatinom Gallery.

    • - Group exhibition, Seni Murni AKSI ARTSY #2, RJ Katamsi Gallery, ISI Yogyakarta

    • - “Kenduri Seni “Monumen Juang 45 Gallery, Klaten
    • - Dies Natalis XXXII “SOCIAL HUMANIORA” RJ. Katamsi Gallery, ISI Yogyakarta
    • - Group exhibition, Seni Murni AKSI ARTSY #1, RJ Katamsi Gallery, ISI Yogyakarta

    • - “ECOLUSTRASI”, RJ. Katamsi Gallery, ISI Yogyakarta
    • - “POLITICS”, ISI Yogyakarta
    • - Art experiment in collaboration with Biennale Terracotta, Art on the River, Joko Pekik Studio, Yogyakarta
    • - “Dunia Yang Dilipat’’, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta
    • - PASREN, Monumen Juang 45 Gallery, Klaten
    • - ”Antropologi’’, Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta

    • - “KELAHIRAN” Postcard art exhibition, Soetopo DKV Gallery, ISI Yogyakarta
    • - ‘’Ketandan Imlek’’, Hotel Duta Wisata 1 Yogyakarta

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