BUY NOW, With Stripe
Dodi Irwandi

Dodi Irwandi

Born in 1974

“Eliminating colour allows me to focus on the way light and shadow falls across surfaces of figures, ojects and scenes ” 

See All Artworks by Dodi Irwandi

112cm x 163cm
Diving Deep
100cm x 80cm
970 USD
1,295 SGD
970 USD
1,295 SGD
970 USD
1,295 SGD
970 USD
1,295 SGD
One Soul
One Soul
130cm x 85cm
Rock Balancing
100cm x 130cm
About the Artist

Dodi’s work is predominantly Monochrome with black and white colors. The play of light, shadow, depth and emotion in his works is wistful and yet prompting hope. His artworks largely portray the life of the working class and marginalized people and sprawling ladscpes of the country side. He creates stunning pieces employing a variety of techniques such as scratching, etching, mezzotint, sugartint and drypoint on varied media like canvas, plastic and paper. He is a woodcut drawing artist as well.

Dodi is multi talented and draws inspiration from the legendary German artist, Kathe Kollwitz (1876-1945), who had great empathy for the proletariat and pariahs. Dodi's unique works have been exhibited in big cities all over Indonesia, and internationally in Germany, Netherlands, France, Australia.

Fun fact: Dodi is a musician as well and is part of the “Dendang Kampungan” band.  The name of the band means ‘folk songs’ in Indonesian language. 

Acrylic on Canvas
    • - Finalist of Mandiri Art Award

    • - Finalist Trienal Seni Grafis Indonesia IV

    • - "Ataraxia", MayinArt Show, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta

    • - "If Walls Could Speak", MayianArt Show, ION Art Gallery, Singapore
    • - "80 Nan Ampuh" Tribute To OHD, Museum Dan Tanah Liat, Yogyakarta
    • - "BEBAS", Sakato Art Community, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta.

    • - "Zaman now" Bakaba#7, pameran bersama Sakato Art Community, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta
    • - "Keep The Fire On#4", Survive Garage, Nitriprayan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    • - "Pameran Kelompok Oplosan", ViaVia, Jln Prawirotaman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    • - "Harmoni Dalam Perbedaan", Lobby hotel The Ritz Cariton, Jakarta, Indonesia
    • - "Indonesia", Bakaba#6, pameran bersama Sakato Art Community, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    • - "Menolak Sekaligus Merengkuh", Pameran bersama Sakato Art Community, Nadi Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia.
    • - "Menjadi Indonesia", pameran bersama, Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.

    • - "Cerdik Tak Membuang Pandai", Bakaba#5, pameran bersama Sakato Art Community, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    • - “Mandiri Sahabat Negeri: Mandiri Art Charity 2016”, Pameran Bersama, Grha Bimasena & Plaza Mandiri, Jakarta, Indonesia

    • - “Retropeksi Komik Indie”, Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Indonesia
    • - “Mandiri Art Award”, Pameran Finalis Mandiri Art Award, Plaza Mandiri Corporate Secretary Group, Jakarta, Indonesia
    • - “Randang Dan Rendang”, Bakaba 4, Pameran Bersama Sakato Art Community, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    • - “Teater Hitam Putih/ Black and white Theater”, Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    • - “Dalam Aliran Waktu”, Via Via Café, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    • - “Perang Kelas/ Class war”, Bilik Marsinah – Taring Padi, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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