BUY NOW, With Stripe
Suryadi Suyamtina

Suryadi Suyamtina

Born in 1980

I paint the world around me as interpreted by the world inside me

See All Artworks by Suryadi Suyamtina

Overlapping Growth #1
Miss No.9
Miss No.9
120cm x 145cm
Wild Nature
150cm x 200cm
High Land #4
140cm x 120cm
Parade No.2
145cm x 120cm
Miss No.11
145cm x 120cm
Beauty No.5
120cm x 100cm
Beauty No. 1
120cm x 100cm
2,880 USD
3,858 SGD
Diary No.1
120cm x 100cm
Glamour #1
110cm x 80cm
Glamour #2
110cm x 80cm
Diary No.3
120cm x 100cm
2,880 USD
3,858 SGD
About the Artist

Suryadi is an established Indonesian painter who integrates his vivid imagination with reality to create effective artworks. Comics were his first source inspiration as a child. When he decided to study art in high school, he developed his style around Japanese comics with surrealistic elements. He was consequently drawn towards the works of modern surrealist artists like Ivan Sagita, Koeboe Sarean and Lucia Hartini to name a few. This inspired him to explore realism and surrealism in the modern context in his own artworks. His paintings often lend visualisation to his developing concerns about humanity, environmental issues, adverse impacts of technology and urbanization.

Principally though he immensely enjoys the world of colours and loves to paint without being bound by the technicalities of style and media. His creations are hence largely aimed at being pleasing to the eyes with delicate details andgratifying colours. But do not miss the unconventional details that he incorporates in to the otherwise realistic images adding a fun element to his paintings. 

Acrylic on Canvas
    • - “Collaboration Work with Southeast Asia Art Group Exchange (SAGE) Residency #3”, Perahu art connection, Yogyakarta

    • - “Offerings for Earth Art Project”, Re-plant at Mount Merapi, organized by Perahu Art Connection, Yogyakarta

    • - “Fine art Workshop”, TubanJawaTimur
    • - “Fine art Workshop”, in Surabaya, Malang, Bojonegoro, JawaTimur

    • - Wall Painting Project, Wonderia Park, Semarang

    • - Finalist New Comer UOB Award 2013, Plaza UOB, Jakarta

    • - Exploration 999, Cerita Nusantara Indonesia

    • - Nomination of Mural Yogyakarta

    • - Winner Stamp Design National, Keanekaragaman Kelautan, Dinas Kelautan, Jakarta

    • - "Ataraxia", MayinArt Show, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta

    • - ”Babad Diponegoro” Jogja Gallery,Yogyakarta
    • - Exhibition in Shangrila Hotel, Surabaya
    • - Tribut to OHD 80 Nan Ampuh, Nalar Roepa, Yogyakarta
    • - ‘LIFE’ Sunrise Gallery, Fairmont hotel, Jakarta
    • - ‘LIFE’ sunrise Gallery, Plaza Senayan, Jakarta

    • - South East Asia Icons, Nadine Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    • - Mother and Child, Nadine Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    • - Imagine…beauty, Sunrise Art Gallery,Fairmon, Jakarta
    • - ‘’Seyogyanya’’, Kelompok Tenggara, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta
    • - ‘’ECHO’’ Tenggara Open House, Wangi Art Room, Yogyakarta
    • - ‘’There is Hope’’ Pendhapa Art Space, Yogyakarta

    • - “Bazar Art Jakarta”, Ritz Carlton, Jakarta
    • - “Love and Betrayal”, Nadine Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    • - “Indonesia Art Exhibition”, SAY Art Space, South Korea

    • - “ARTificial”, SAY art space,Seoul, South Korea
    • - “Summer House”, a collaboration of 3 Mullae& Yogyakarta artists, SAY Art Space,South Korea

    • - “The miracle stories of MOTHER and CHILD,Pace Gallery, Malaysia
    • - Pace Gallery Anniversary, Pace Gallery, Malaysia
    • - ART EXPO Malaysia, Malaysia
    • - “There’s no place like home’, Pace Gallery , Malaysia
    • - Publika, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

    • - “Meta Amuk”, with Perahu Art Connection, Jakarta National Gallery, Jakarta
    • - UOB Painting Competition, Plaza UOB, Jakarta

    • - “Java Spices”, Asia Art Link, JogjaNasional Museum, Yogyakarta

    • - “E art H Project ..Sin city”, GaleriNasional Jakarta

    • - “Artriangle”, National Gallery Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    • - “Art Language”, CEH(Centro EstudioHispanicos),Sarajevo, Bosnia and Harzegovina.
    • - “The Slave Route”, Rue Saint Bernard, Brussels , Belgium
    • - “Red Your Number”, Craiova, Dolj, Rumania
    • - “Learning Differences”, Elgin art showcase, Elgint, USA
    • - “Beauty is……”, SPA310 Gallery, Richmond, USA

    • - “Spacing Contemporary”, Jogja Art Fair #2 Taman Budaya, Yogyakarta
    • - “Jogja Jamming” 10th Biennale Jogja 2009, Yogyakarta

    • - “Artriangle” Liverpool, England
    • - “Artriangle2008” SokkaGakkai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    • - “Kopi KretekKraton” KebunMimpi, Malaysia

    • - “Artriangle” SokkaGakkai Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    • - “Optimism and Future”Blora Institute Gallery, Jakarta
    • - “Terror”, Intersection California, United States of America

    • - “1001 Mimpi”, Perahu Art Connection, Yogyakarta

    • - ”Gembala di Tanah Ingatan” KuntsKamera Gallery, Jakarta

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