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Torres Equen Javas Wistara

Torres Equen Javas Wistara

Born in 2010

Art is a medium of self expression

See All Artworks by Torres Equen Javas Wistara

565 USD
752 SGD
Trip to The Zoo
60cm x 60cm
565 USD
752 SGD
Two Dancers Two Dancers
Two Dancers
60cm x 60cm
565 USD
752 SGD
100cm x 100cm
1,120 USD
1,491 SGD
Happy Clowns
100cm x 100cm
1,120 USD
1,491 SGD
80cm x 80cm
Youth Pledge
100cm x 130cm
About the Artist

Torres Equen Javas Wistara is a child artist from Indonesia with a unique talent. He started painting at the age of 3 with watercolors and crayons inspired by his father who is also a painter. By the age of 7 he had developed skill and confidence to explore acrylic paints. Torres is naturally ambidextrous and has the special ability to paint with both hands simultaneously as well. His imagination is rich and prolific and he boldly combines colors to create naive and witty figures with distinctive big eyes. Perhaps these 'big eyes' represent the ability to see beyond and yonder, a power we all crave for. 

Acrylic on canvas
    • - Group exhibition, JOGJA-KYOTO, Yogyakarta.

    • - Group exhibition, National Gallery, Jakarta.
    • - Group exhibition with Sanggar Bambu art community, Sriwedari, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.
    • - Group exhibition with Srawung Seni art community, Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia.
    • - Group exhibition with Sedulur Nyeni, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta.
    • - Group exhbition, NGAWEKADANG V, Ngasem Plaza, Yogyakarta.
    • - Group exhibition with JOGJAK, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta.
    • - Group exhibition, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.

    • - NGAWEKADANG IV, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta

    • - Group exhibition with Sanggar Sejati art community, Omah Petruk, Pakem, Yogyakarta

    • - Group exhibition, JOGJA-KYOTO, Yogyakarta

    • - Group exhibition, JOGJA-KYOTO, Yogyakarta

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